Entemann (2002) [1] versus Pelletier(2004)[2]: a debate about what are the misconceptions about Fuzzy Logic.
The Fuzzy Logic Debate [1]Fuzzy Logic: Misconceptions and Clarifications
by Carl W. Entemann
Some commonly accepted statements concerning the basic fuzzy logic proposed by Lotfi Zadeh in 1965, have led to suggestions that fuzzy logic is not a logic in the same sense as classical bivalent logic. Those considered herein are: fuzzy logic generates results that contradict classical logic, fuzzy logic collapses to classical logic, there can be no proof theory for fuzzy logic, fuzzy logic is inconsistent, fuzzy logic produces results that no human can accept, fuzzy logic is not proof-theoretic complete, fuzzy logic is too complex for practical use, and, finally, fuzzy logic is not needed. It is either proved or argued herein that all of the these statements are false and are, hence, misconceptions. A fuzzy logic with truth values specified as subintervals of the real unit interval [0.0, 1.0] is introduced. Proofs of the correctness, consistency, and proof theoretic completeness of the truth interval fuzzy logic are either summarized or cited. It is concluded that fuzzy logics deserve the accolade of logic to the same degree that the term applies to classical logics.
knowledge management, logic inference, logic processing, theorem proving, uncertainty, uncertainty reasoning
The Fuzzy Logic Debate [2]On Some Alleged Misconceptions about Fuzzy Logic
by Francis Jeffry Pelletier
Entemann (2002) defends fuzzy logic by pointing to what he calls `misconceptions' concerning fuzzy logic. However, some of these `misconceptions' are in fact truths, and it is Entemann who has the misconceptions. The present article points to mistakes made by Entemann in three different areas. It closes with a discussion of what sort of general considerations it would take to motivate fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy Logic, Proof Theory, Truth Interval Tableaux
Posted by Tony Marmo
at 05:44 BST
Updated: Monday, 23 August 2004 05:58 BST